For several decades, it has been found that digestive health and skin issues are connected with one another. Interestingly, the basis for having beautiful and glowing skin depends on the health of your gut!

For others, they knew gut health as the factor responsible for breaking down the food in the stomach and, at the same time, absorbing the nutrients to help the body function properly. As for having healthy skin, taking care of it involves having the right skincare, getting rest and enough sleep, and, for some, regular trips to skin clinics.

However, there are studies that prove that when gut health, a.k.a. digestive health, is not at its best, it can easily show up on the skin, showing signs of skin irritation. This includes breakouts, signs of aging, skin sensitivity like redness, and more. 



Does gut health really affect your skin? 

Health-conscious individuals might be familiar with different types of diets, one of which is the clean eating or cleanse diet. While there are some who consider this a “fad diet,” it inclu des consuming whole foods and veering away from refined and processed foods.

It is basically detoxing or cleansing the body by opting for natural foods such as vegetables, fruits, lean protein, whole grains, and more. As for the question, does gut health really affect your skin?

The answer is yes. 

In an article written by the Canadian Digestive Health Foundation, studies have shown a link between digestive health and skin issues. 

According to the study, “those with rosacea were 10x more likely to have small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) compared to those without rosacea, and that eradication of the SIBO resulted in almost complete regression (elimination) of this common skin disorder or condition.” 

Since the skin is the largest organ in the body, it needs a little TLC, and one way to do it is by taking into consideration what’s going on inside your body.  

Improving skin problems related to gut health

As mentioned, other than your trusty skincare routine, try opting for gut-healing foods. These types of foods, like probiotics and prebiotics, are a great source of good bacteria that the digestive system needs. 

This includes fermented vegetables like kefir, tempeh, natto, kombucha, miso, kimchi, sauerkraut, or certain types of fats like cod liver oil and coconut oil. In addition to this, opt for fruits that help with digestion, like papaya, pineapple, mangoes, and apples, which contain enzymes, and those high in fiber, like kiwi.

Achieving radiant skin goes beyond just topical treatments

The gut-skin connection reveals the importance of nourishing our internal ecosystem for a healthy complexion. By incorporating gut-healing foods like fermented vegetables, healthy fats, and fiber-rich fruits, we can promote a balanced gut microbiome and unlock our skin's natural radiance. Remember, true beauty starts from within!

So, let's prioritize both our gut and skin health for a truly holistic approach to well-being and a vibrant glow.




The content in this blog is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult your doctor or a qualified healthcare provider before trying new healthcare protocols.