Best For

  • Cellulite Reduction
  • Increased Blood Circulation
  • Loose Skin

Treatment Options

  • Body Countouring
  • Body Skin Tightening
  • Cellulite Reduction
  • Circumferential Reduction
  • Deep Tissue Stimulation

Viora-Form® presents a remarkably effective solution for those troubled by loose skin on the neck, face, and body, delivering top-notch skin tightening and body contouring benefits.

Powered by FDA-approved CORE™ (channeling optimized Radio Frequency, RF, energy) technology, the Viora radio frequency system incorporates three distinct radiofrequency channels. By administering these radio frequencies simultaneously, the treatment effectively applies heat to all skin layers at once, safely minimizing fat volume. The RF energy elevates temperature in the hypodermal layers, promoting improved microcirculation and enzymatic activity. This process leads to the natural breakdown of fat, resulting in reduced fat volume. Additionally, the heating effect in the dermal layers triggers a restructuring of connective tissues, leading to skin tightening and prolonged results. The system further incorporates vacuum therapy, which boosts the penetration of RF energy within the treated area. As a result, it enhances local blood circulation, triggers lymphatic drainage, and effectively reduces fat cells.


• Active Cancer
• Autoimmune Disease
• Breastfeeding in the past 3 months
• Certain Skin Conditions such as Sun Burns, Herpes, & Blood Disorders
• Deep Vein Thrombosis History
• Heat-induced Pigment Disorders such as Melasma
• Hepatitis or Liver Disease
• Keloid Scarring
• Open Wounds
• Pacemaker, Defibrillator, or other implanted electrical & metal devices
• Pregnancy, including IVF
• Tattoo on treatment area
• Thyroid Disease
• While not a substitute for surgery in cases of significant skin sagging, this treatment offers notable advantages to individuals with milder signs of aging, aiming to enhance skin tone and tightness. It also serves as a supplementary option for individuals who have undergone procedures like facelifts or tummy tucks, complementing their effects.

• Arms
• Flanks
• Abdomen
• Buttocks
• Outer or Inner Thighs
• Knees

• 6 months prior: No Accutane or immunosuppressants
• 2 weeks prior: No aspirin-based medicines, antibiotics, blood thinners. No intense sun exposure or tanning
• 1 week prior: Avoid smoking for improved blood flow. Drink at least 1 liter of water daily
• Day of: Come in with clean skin, no product on the area
• An hour prior: No meals. Drink about 1.5 liters of water before each treatment session

First, an initial consultation is conducted to understand your goals, assess your skin needs, and determine the number of sessions required to begin the treatment. We will ask you to complete a full health questionnaire to identify any contraindications.
You have the option to do a patch test on the treatment area, then come back in a few weeks to assess for any adverse reactions or continue your treatment session on that same appointment. After a comprehensive discussion about your skin objectives on your initial consultation, the subsequent treatment sessions will be more efficient, focusing directly on the treatment without extended delays.
During the treatment, the V-Form device is moved over the skin in small sections. A vacuum massaging sensation may be felt.

Unfortunately, everyone’s discomfort threshold varies. Some report a feeling comparable to a mild heat vacuuming or massaging sensation. The treatment is completely non-invasive and virtually painless, as the system is equipped with RF range and vacuum levels to fit its intensity per individual.

Yes, it is safe and is suitable for all skin types. A few may experience occasional skin redness or tenderness on the treated area as a side effect. These side effects are common and generally mild. Additionally, most symptoms patients experience are temporary and tend to fade within 24 – 72 hours.

The treatment can range between 10 – 40 minutes, depending on the desired treatment area size. Feel free to ask questions or share any concerns you may have during your appointment; we encourage open communication throughout the process.

While each individual is different, improvements can be seen after the first session. Optimal results may be visible after 3 treatments 4 – 6 weeks apart.

The number of treatments required varies based on individual goals and the treatment area. On average, most find benefit in undergoing approximately 3 – 8 sessions every 4 – 6 weeks, with potential improvements noticeable even after the initial session. How well aftercare is maintained is a major factor in how long results may last. Touch-ups every 3 – 6 months may be necessary for maintenance.

• Keep the skin cool and calm. If needed, cool your skin with cold (non-frozen) packs
• Begin a gentle skincare routine
• Do not pick at your skin
• Wear SPF 30 – 50 daily
• Adhere to a healthy lifestyle (diet & exercise) • For 12 hours, no other product on the area
• For 24 hours, avoid exposure to heat or vigorous exercises. You may resume after 24 hours
• For 1 week, discontinue use of all exfoliating agents
• For 2 weeks, no tanning or intense sun exposure
• Alert your technician to any medical changes or antibiotic use

As Viora-Form® is noninvasive, there is no downtime after each session. Except for sweat inducing activities, such as high intensity exercises or hot steam exposure, your daily routine right after the appointment. To ensure your skin's protection, we apply a range of serums or tinted sunscreen after each session, allowing you to go about your day with confidence.